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Gedeelde Weelde (translates into Shared Wealth) is a store in Maastricht for all your daily groceries: fresh, local and organic. The store is organized as a cooperative.


The cooperation has the goal to provide goods en services to both members and non-members from the perspective of the principles of earth care, people care and fair share. We feel connected to people and initiatives worldwide that live and work out of similar principles.

Apart from its cooperatively owned goods and money flow, the store will also support a flow of knowledge and inspiration between producers, consumers, shop keepers and everything in between. Together we organize a chain that is based on food sovereignty: the human right to healthy and meaningful food, produced in an ecological responsible and sustainable way and in an agricultural system that is co-created.


All people that support the goal and principles of the cooperative can become a member. There are two categories of members:

  • Stakeholder members: customers, producers, suppliers or otherwise interested people.
  • Entrepreneurial members: people who want to use their creative and enterprising skills to help the cooperative grow and blossom, who can take on responsibilities for the store and who receive a financial compensation out of the result of the cooperative.

Starting money

Each member will contribute a basic amount, decided upon in the general assembly, which currently is a €100,-. Accountability of the members for any shortage of the cooperative is limited to the basic starting amount. Do you want to add money on top of this basic amount? That would be great! For more information look at the page Financiering (only in Dutch) for the different possibilities.

General Assembly

All member of the cooperative are welcome and have a voting right in the general assembly. There are at least two assemblies in a year. At the end of the year there will is a final year meeting that covers the expenditures of the previous year, an annual report and a budget proposition for the following year – all to be approved by the members.

Want to join?

By becoming a member you support the goal of the cooperative. You support your own store – so to say. And as a member you can decide upon the course of the cooperative during general assemblies. Next to that you are dearly invited to enter a working group and join the cooperatives’ activities. Become a member and join us!

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