Inleiding in Salutogenese – online

Birgit Spoorenberg ©MalleMuze

Inleiding in Salutogenese – online


Date(s) - 17/02/2021
19:00 - 20:30

This text is in English because the people organizing it communicate in English. The course however will be in Dutch 🙂

Let us start the year in good health. As part of this seasons topic Good Health, we have invited Gedeelde Weelde member Birgit Spoorenberg to give an online introduction to salutogenesis. Salutogenesis is a medical approach that focuses on the positives – that is, factors that support good health and well-being. It puts the relationship between health, stress and coping in the spotlight.

Some of you might remember Birgit from her previous visits to the shop. Previously working as a GP, she decided to become a consultant doctor in her own practice. With her clients, she strives to find healthy balances and set the right conditions, which pave the way to the best possible functioning of the human body. If you want to find out more, check out her website.

Birgit about what you can expect on the 17th: “De laatste jaren krijgen onderwerpen als voeding, beweging, bioritme en stress steeds meer aandacht, ook binnen de geneeskunde. Deze leefstijlfactoren blijken veel meer invloed te hebben op onze gezondheid dan we eerder dachten. Wat kunnen we met deze kennis? Als voormalig huisarts en arts in de klinische Psycho-neuro-immunologie zet ik mijn kennis over de werking van het lichaam en de medische literatuur om naar praktisch toepasbare adviezen: Wat kun je zélf doen om je gezondheid te stimuleren, je afweersysteem te versterken en meer balans te brengen in je stress-systeem?”


On the 17th of February, at 19.00-20.30, you are invited to join Birgit’s introduction to salutogenesis via zoom. Later this year, on May 2nd (when regulations hopefully allow) Birgit will visit the shop and give a one-day course on the topic, for everyone who wants to know more. Her events are donation based, and you will receive bank details after the zoom event.

If you are interested in joining us on the 17th, please send an email to We will give everyone’s name and email adress to Birgit, so that she can send the zoom invitation link and her bank details to you personally. Please reply by Sunday, the 14th of February if you would like to join!

picture: Birgit Spoorenberg during a workshop. photo by MalleMuze 

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